My bride to be
yes. i m extremely bored so i decided to get married, again.[minus the fact that i already have toya LOL she's still my wife.]
This is the lady i m gonna marry 8D i have said it since this morning and i even went to his*coughs* HER mom to propose 8D i promise a wedding dress for her~ *time to get busy* my runaway bride >8B
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
oooo can i bring sho out again tmr =3=
Nå†åLiE // Sleepaholic // 笨蛋惡魔 // 「♥ YooChun ♥」 is better than chocolate // Irritating. >_> says:
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
can i marry sho 8D
Nå†åLiE // Sleepaholic // 笨蛋惡魔 // 「♥ YooChun ♥」 is better than chocolate // Irritating. >_> says:
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
i shall marry him anyway XD
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
*isnt listenin*
Nå†åLiE // Sleepaholic // 笨蛋惡魔 // 「♥ YooChun ♥」 is better than chocolate // Irritating. >_> says:
sho's mum does not approve! *holds up big X sign*
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
*isnt listenin*
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
i cant wait for nupital chambers XD
Nå†åLiE // Sleepaholic // 笨蛋惡魔 // 「♥ YooChun ♥」 is better than chocolate // Irritating. >_> says:
* use X sign and K you on the head.*
[Sochii kAmiyA 神野天血] PP IS FUCKIN WASTE OF TIME[Yuuto] says:
8D *ish dizzy and doesnt hear more stuff* i have a rough idea of sho's wedding dress already~white and dark blood red and ribbons yesh ribbons
i m serious ._. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA SHO DARLING~~~~~*is insanely nuts for a human to comprehend*