Happy Bdae Kazu-kun~~~

THIS IS THE SPASTIC LAMESHIT CAMWHORE KENNETH ONG aka Kazu-kun[only i can call thanks.]!

today. is this lameshit's birthday and currently I am over at his house bloggin and companying him cos its his bdae. well. i dont think he remembers, but i did make a promise to spend his bdae with him ^^llll i recalled it this mornin, forgot it on the train and recalled on the train to his house again. hahahaha....

no presents. so i'll dedicate this post to him.

Kazu-kun~~~~ HAHA now everyone knows how you look like. XDXD well. although we haven been friends for long, but it feels like forever and you are finally 18!!! thats a cool age, but old! hahaha. see you in esplanade next time as a CONCERT MASTER. you can do it dude XDXD. my best wishes.

-ps. this lameshit is playing diabolo behind me. so he doesnt realise i m bloggin LOL-


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