I AM FEVERISH. n i mean it.

the FF teachers....genesis, the kind and nerdy one. sephy, the violent one. and the other one? he is jus a sidekick 8D LOL

because i m feelin feverish and faint-ish in law cls =.= gawd.

1. Name one negative thing about you:
► narcissistic....wait. thats good! ok. moodswings.
2. Do you believe that absence makes the heart grow fonder?
► yes no yes no. gawd. would absence of ppl you hate makes heart grow fonder? NO RIGHT?! gawd....my brains...i see twinkling stars
3. Sports you wanted to learn?
► stunt skating
4. Ever tried gymnastics?
► was one
5. What was the last thing you bought?
► milo?
6. Do you talk a lot?
► about vhat?
7. Where is/are your sister/s?
► YO SISTASSSSS -i seriously need an icebag an my bed-
8. Name one close girl friend
► fiona
9. How was your day yesterday?
► lol-ish?
10. Are you an optimistic one?
► depends
11. People describe you as:
► normal. MY KIND OF NORMAL 8D
12. Contented in life?
► of course not.
13. I’ll betcha you miss someone right now?
► lol. i have to say yes dont i?
15 last time u ate?
► uhhhhhhhhhhhhhuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh NOW *pops sweet into mouth*
16. What color is your shirt?
► white and light orange
17. Are you typically a jolly person?
► i m not frat dammit
18. Name one enemy of yours:
► andelia
19. Who's the first person in your phone list?
► Adrian Sg
20. What did the last text message you received say?
► "XD nvmnvm .W. den we meet on friday?" - kurohebi
21. Do you go to gym?
► like DUH. *shows off waist* i seriously need to rest now.
22. Song playing at the moment:
► i hear buzzy noises 8D
23. How do you cope with stress?
► that is where moodswings come in play dimwit. ARGH
24. Ever broken someone's heart?
► uh. like DUH? of course
25. What makes you happy?
► ha.ha. depends on situation....i would really like ppl to ask me this more often...usually gettin attention which i want would make me very happy >3
26. What is the last thing you said aloud?
28. Is looking good important?
► *photoshop* whuttttt?
29. One word to describe you right now?
► whacked? i told you i need my bed....i m like burning =A=
31.Have you ever been given flowers?
► yea
32. What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
► i dont want to go down memory lane in this condition thanks.
34. What's your current problem?
► sports LAW cls....and the hole in my bank lol
35. Have you ever had your heart broken?
► Duh =.= of course
36. Do u think you're ok?
► NO!! i told you i m sick. dammit S.I.C.K
37. Accessories you wear?
► earrings, rings, necklace, braclets, earcuffs,studs, armwarmer, ties. ALMOST EVERYTHING
38. Fave color(s)?
► black, snow white, blood red, rich violet, and any other freakin elegant colours.
39. Ever donated blood?
► =A= heard of the term LOW BLOOD?
40. Where are you gonna go today?
41. Last person u went out with?
► out to where? if you are saying OUT OUT i went to a model shoot with akimme and lawliet and uncle punk and flick and flick friend and swifty~
42. The most exciting sport?
► pwnin other asses
43. Ever wished you could turn back time?
► yea yea >.> who doesnt?
44. One song that's meaningful to you?
► whut
45. One thing you totally regret?
► spending too much
46. Do people like you?
► YOU SHOULD ALL LOVE ME! lol. i think there is. or at least what they said. god knows if they were sober or lying
47. What do you spend most of your money on?
► cosplay =w=ll and dolls.
48. Is your birthday on a holiday?
► yea. >.>
49. What’s your wish for your birthday?
► whatever i pioritise at that time i guess
50. Someone who means a lot to you at this moment?
► *skip* i need my bed thanks.

more resting.....CANT REST -.- i m in the middle of a law class. thanks alot faci.


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