F.T island lulz, the old one anyway, i still prefer their hairstyles like that =.=/. anyway


ok. not really. i m still coughin my lungs dry. my hands are still shivering >.>
BUT I HAVE MY RESOLVE! wait. is that the way you use it? ~.~ ah shucks. anyway.

three more days, and i'll have to handup Fri13's 4th chpt. problem being? I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO WRITE. homg homg. but fuck it. i'll think of something along the way. i hope

and i think i'll jus start on shizuya tmr...hand shakin or not. cos i think i have been putting it off for too long...

OH! and i hope my camping paid off ;A; i have been like...waiting and waiting for the limited set to come out to snap it. i really hope M.Y. will sell it to me 8D


the shoot was =.= ok. i guess...well. i got run around barefooted at chi garden...while coughin. right.

the meet was awesome. hahaha love you bryan and your cheena style yaoi reading. like. you made my valentine's day XD and thanks to lawliet and the photogs too~~~love yo guys for the shoot~~~and also the other people like hachi darling, kani love and ETC ETC. Reiya is still so cute, so devin pls dont come back 8D so that i can have reiya~~~~<3 and Ariene pls go away so that Ai can become mine HOHOHO~~~~~

anyway, my love to jinjin and preshpresh~~~~sorry i wasnt able to go out with you guys. will watch movie as promised k? *loves loves*


ANYHOW~ i m taking my BTT with enqi and presh 8D AWESOMENESS~~~~ there you go. i cant wait.


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