Dedication <3

HAHAHA i remember how we joked that himu mom ordered us in a bundle pack...

SO THIS WAS HOW ME AND LAWLIET CAME TO THE FAMILY 8D hahahahah my sleeping pose is so unglam XD


Anyway anyway 8D

my post dedication to the most insincere but cutest pair for the end of this year <3

I dont know why either, but the moment i know it, i was all smiles the whole day. Guess this is what a big brother feels like when he sees his sister happy 8D

hime-chan~ - i'll kick you if you ever make my twinneh sad or annoyed.but being the NICE GUY that you self-proclaimed, you wont right? i'll take your word for it.

twinneh - i still love you <3

hahahaha my best wishes to this pair of insincere idiot couple <3

8059 be mine @ 80Lawliet X 59Naoya


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