Pastel all the way~~~
Can't make up your mind on what colour to have? Afraid that you will make a wrong choice when you colour your hair. TRY IT FIRST before getting permanent colour~ or try it for an everyday change~~
This was a post that is way too overdue though I already have the video up last year.
Here is the video~~
Here is my hair before I did all the fancy colour. I've only bleached it once.
After pastels
I did another colour combo with more surface area and this time with HARD PASTELS only.
This is what my hair looks like after THREE days. Here are the steps I took to reach "sort of permanent" silvery colour.
Day 1- Curled hair after chalking and went out for whole day. (conditioned my hair only)
Day 2- Wash scalp with shampoo, and condition the ends only(no shampoo).
Day 3- shampoo-ed and conditioned whole head.
This is just my personal experience so I would not say for you sure that you will get that colour if you followed what I did.
Chalked my friend's hair too
Hope you will have fun with the pastels. Do post a link if you have done the same, would love to see the colours you guys have came up with.